3DS circle pad release date and price

You can never predict what Nintendo will do.

Just a few weeks ago we were all laughing at the rumours of a second joypad accessory for 3DS. Then pictures arrived and we mocked them, saying that Nintendo would never release such an ugly attachment for its new handheld. It must be a third party peripheral, right?

Wrong. It’s all very real. And it has a release date and price.

As part of its Tokyo 3DS showcase last night, Nintendo officially revealed the hardware. It will retail for a paltry 1,500 (around 12.25) and will be released in Japan on December 10th.

The unit will run off the power of a single AAA battery, inserted into the underside.

Furthermore, it won’t only be Monster Hunter 3DS that supports it.

Five other titles have already been confirmed as being compatible with the accessory – Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater, Resident Evil: Revelations, Kingdom hearts 3D, Ace Combat 3D and Dynasty Warriors.

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