HMV Tweeter refuses to apologise for online outburst

The woman behind HMV’s famed Twitter outburst last week has refused to apologise for her actions.

Last Thursday administrator Deloitte shed around 60 jobs from the retailer’s head office – one of whom was Poppy Rose, who was also in charge of HMV’s Twitter account.

Here’s a look at the tweets that were posted on the account, although they were removed by management shortly after they appeared.

It’s been an amazing two and a bit years with HMV. Such a shame it had to end on that note. Someone had to speak!” Rose wrote on her personal Twitter account.

I would apologise for the #hmvXFactorFiring tweets but I felt like someone had to speak. As someone without a family to support/no mortgage I felt that I was the safest person to do so. Not to mention, I wanted to show the power of Social Media to those who refused to be educated.

Just to set something straight, I did not ‘hijack’ the hmv twitter account. I actually assumed sole responsibility of Twitter and Facebook over two years ago, as an intern. When asked, I gladly provided the password to head office. I also set another member of staff up as a manager on Facebook, and removed myself from the admin list. I didn’t resist any requests to cooperate.

Since my internship started, I worked tirelessly to educate the business of the importance of Social Media – not as a short-term commercial tool, but as a tool to build and strengthen the customer relationship, and to gain invaluable real-time feedback from the consumers that have kept us going for over 91 years. While many colleagues understood and supported this, it was the more senior members of staff who never seemed to grasp its importance.

I hoped that today’s actions would finally show them the true power and importance of Social Media, and I hope they’re finally listening. Now, I should probably go and hide for a while… Thank you so much for your supportive tweets! Much love to the HMV staff and customers.”

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