SpecialEffect opens games room

The world’s first fully accessible video games suite has opened at Helen and Douglas House Children’s Hospice in Oxfordshire.

The room was created and funded by gaming charity SpecialEffect, and allows all of the hospice’s guests to enjoy playing video games – no matter what physical disabilities they may have.

The games suite has been in development for over a year and a half, so it’s great to finally open it,” said SpecialEffect director Dr Mick Donegan.

It contains a wide range of access technology, such as eye-gaze devices, to ensure that as many of the guests are catered for as possible.”

Helen and Douglas House Children’s Hospice’s director of support services David Pastor added: The value
of the expertise that SpecialEffect has brought to us is immense.

As a result of their involvement, many more children and young adults are able to use bespoke equipment and games to their benefit.”

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