Sweeney is ‘thrilled’ with PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio upgrades

Gamers may remain split on the potential benefits of the dawn of a new console cycle, but Epic co-founder Tim Sweeney is certainly enthusiastic about the prospect.

"I’m absolutely thrilled," Sweeney told Eurogamer. "It gives you the best of both worlds, the upgrade cycle of the PC which ensures that people always have access to the latest and greatest hardware and games don’t go out of date over a seven year cycle, together with the fact there’s a box you can go and buy – or two boxes – and you’re guaranteed that everything can work.

"From an industry insider perspective, the console industry will grow and sustain its user base much better if it doesn’t have to reset its user base to zero every seven years. The idea of throwing everything out and doing everything from scratch every seven years is completely crazy.

Sweeney also said that he believes that the way the split configurations have been designed are good from a development point of view, too.

He’s also chirpy about the proposed shift to 4K and believes that – despite some mixed messaging to the contrary from Microsoft – gamers of assorted resolutional persuasions stand to benefit.

There’s value to 4K," Sweeney added. These 4K television are incredibly high quality and becoming very economical so supporting them will be good. From a typical users TV, a lot of users are going to prefer having that 3 to 4 times the computing power applied towards making the existing number of pixels look that much better.

At any rate every game should be expected to deliver a 3X or better improvement in graphics quality as a result of this new hardware – whether they do it through higher resolution or prettier pixels is a decision for each game, and different games will exploit it in different ways."

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