Nintendo orders removal of 3D Zelda tribute

A fan-made 3D Zelda game designed as a tribute to the RPG series has unsurprisingly been taken offline at Nintendo’s request.

While only a browser demo, the software got its fair share of media coverage and was played by over half a million people before its removal.

Nintendo asked us to remove this site for copyright infringement. I guess Zelda30Tribute was a little too pixel perfect,” developers Scott Lininger and Mike Magee said. We’re sad about that, but we get it.

We started this project because we love Nintendo and the joy they have given us throughout the years. From the start of development, we knew this result could potentially happen. Nintendo has every right to protect their IP. No complaints from us, we had a blast working on this tribute and made some friends along the way.

We learned a bunch and wrote some code that others might learn from, too. We plan to post the project to Github soon, once we’ve had a chance to remove Nintendo-owned assets.

This was not the greatest game in the world, no. This was just a tribute. Thank you Nintendo for the inspiration!”

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