Winning formula

So whatâ??s the secret to the success of SCEE Liverpoolâ??s numerous productions? And what can its Internal and External Development teams teach other studios about the challenges posed by PlayStationâ??s network-driven future? Develop finds outâ?¦

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Boldy Going

Frontier Developments is one of the few remaining indie studios with the confidence to run blue sky next-gen development alongside projects aiming to squeeze the best out of the legacy consoles, finds Owain Bennallack as he chats to studio founder David Brabenâ?¦

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Creating a Storm

Evolutionâ??s Martin Kenwright, Mick Hocking and Simon Benson tell Michael French the story of how the studio shifted gears from PS2 to PS3, what that E3 video really meant for game production, and what happens nextâ?¦

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Climax change

We interview Karl Jeffery to find out exactly why Climax sold off its Racing team, what that means for the rest of the company, and why the world is refocusing on the UK development scene...

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Welcome to Montreal

So how, in the space of just a few years, did the Quebec province manage to pack so many developers into Montreal and Quebec city? And why has its tax credits attracted Ubisoft, EA Activision, Eidos, tools companies, and a host of independents? Develop visited the region to find outâ?¦

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The Creative Journey

As studio leader of Creative Assembly, Mike Simpson is responsible for pushing forward the Sega-owned studio as it scales more heights. He explains to Develop how far the team has come â?? and where itâ??s headed.â?¦

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